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History and Heritage

The Pays de Forcalquier invites you to visit the perched villages dotted along picturesque roads lined with lavender fields and olive trees.

Forcalquier has an illustrious historical and cultural past, boasting its “Citadelle” and it’s “Cathédrale”. Modern-day Forcalquier offers its visitors numerous festivals and fairs from March to October and a weekly market on Monday, tempting you with its colorful sights and enticing smells.

When night falls, be amazed by a spectacular view of stars and comets and learn more at the famous astronomy observation site of Saint Michel l’Observatoire.

Cordeliers Convent

Cordeliers Convent


Discover the rich historical past of le Pays de Forcalquier in many (small yet complete) museums such as:

Artemisia museum

Artemisia museum


Lights and colors of le Pays de Forcalquier have seduced numerous artists and craftsmen who will always be happy to welcome you in their galleries and even workshops which are part of a tour inside the village.

Charembeau offers a yearly exhibition inside and outside. Some of the artworks are permanently exposed ( to sell or Charembeau owned).

You can find every event, from concert to open galleries, which are organized throughout the year in le Petit Colporteur, the monthly newsletter that covers just about every public event in le Pays de Forcalquier.