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Hotel Charembeau

Hotel Charembeau

Charembeau is comfortably installed inside the imposing walls of an XVIIIth century farmhouse. Martin & Boris Berger with their parents Sandra & André and their team welcome you to the discreet charm of this residence surrounded by 7 hectares of hills and meadows.

From the top of the hill,

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An eco friendly hotel

Our commitment is formalized with the labels “Accueil du Parc” and “Qualité Tourisme” and Ecoleader Argent Tripadviso and Trophée RSE PACA 2017 and the trophy RSEponsable 04.

  • A wood heating device fed with local rough cut wood chips is heating all the water of the hotel (heaters, sanitary water and the swimming pool).
  • Since 2024, a Photovoltaic System covers 30% of our electricity needs
  • Reserved parking slot with charging point for electrical/hybrid cars.
  • Preference is given to local agricultural production, organic if possible.

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Our commitment is formalized with the labels “Accueil du Parc” and “Qualité Tourisme” and Ecoleader Argent Tripadvisor and Trophée RSE PACA 2017 and the trophy RSEponsable 04

  • A wood heating device fed with local rough cut wood chips is heating all the water of the hotel (heaters, sanitary water and the swimming pool)
  • Since 2024, a Photovoltaic System covers 30% of our electricity needs
  • Reserved parking slot with charging point for electrical/hybrid cars.
  • Preference is given to local agricultural production, organic if possible